Today is March 27, 2021
I am a California resident about to relocate to my hometown in Georgia. I am about to begin again and today was moving day. The apartment, the car all had to have a complete strip down to shift and get us ready for the cross country trip. Over 100 items of personal collectables in the form of chairs, boxes, and other conveniences were removed to reveal the blessed shelter of the last 3 years.
I have spent 5 years total, being a bicoastal boss looking for ways to add light and love into this world. I'm happy that I can say that now, lol. I spent most of the time wishing I was in GA. Wishing that the momentum I was building in Atlanta would actually catch, had me focused on what Cali lacked. I am Mrs. JAMGood, and yeah, I mostly look at the JAMGOOD in life. This is a learned skill, and practiced habit of thought, but Cali really taught me how to be where I am and appreciate the resources that are present.
California, and all the many different days, nights, tears, choices, and laughs, taught me that everything I want in the world has to first be established within, me by me, and my mind's practice of that choice. I learned that I was afraid to hold space for myself, so I would ignored myself and allow others to take up that room. I saw that my habits of making myself small no longer served me and the life I wanted to live. I will have to do a whole blog on Starbucks and my journey to the best seat in the house with the outlet!
These last 5 years have been the start of my marriage, the start of my motherhood, the start of some great friendships, and the start of surfing. So many things changed about me and my own self-importance. I grew in like with me, and I am on the way to being in love with me. These 5 years really pointed out a lot of my flaws of thought, and prejudgments I would make and live from. California was a whole new world of "do your thing" to a Southern-raised girl who was only taught and rewarded for doing as she was told, or what was approved of.
Now that I think about it, I didn't really do California like a thankful Californian until the last 35 days. Knowing I was going to lose the less than 15 min ride to the beach, I took it in every day I went. I, like a person who found the importance in being present, took advantage of being where I was. I want to keep that lesson with me as I transition to the next chapter of my MEdom!
I believe JAMGood Living is in being present and fully receiving where you are currently. #LifeissoJAMGOOD